Monday, November 8, 2021

Signs of water damage in walls

Wondering about common signs on water damage in walls? Keep reading, we’ve got you covered. 

Of all the claims US homeowners made on their property insurance in 2017, water damage was one of the leading ones.

The fact that the average claim for water damage that year was about $10,000 is worrying.

It shows how much water damage can cost you as a homeowner if you hesitate to identify the signs and act immediately.

Signs of Water Damage in Walls

The only way to ensure you mitigate water damages in your home is by detecting faults early enough to prevent worse outcomes. 

Read on to learn about some of the common signs of water damage in walls from our local public adjusters here at JF Public Adjusters.

1. Wallpaper/Paint Bubbling or Cracking

When water consistently leaks into a wall, it causes it to expand. In the process, the collected water underneath the paint on your walls stretches the paint or wallpaper, leading to paint bubbling on the wall. The expansion and contraction of the wall are what leave these bubbles.

Although bubbles are easy to identify, whatever is behind them is what should worry you most. That’s because these bubbles cannot help you determine the extent of water damage on your wall.

For small bubblers, you can use towels to help mitigate the impending disaster. You’ll block any more water from flowing through the hole.

On the other hand, large water bubbles may be beyond you. You’ll need to call in a professional who can deal with the large volume of trapped water accordingly, helping minimize the extent of the damage.

But whether the bubbles are big or small, the best thing is to contact water damage restoration professionals. They can help address the destruction these bubbles may have caused on your walls.

2. Musty Smell

Another common sign of water damage in walls is a stale or musty odor.

Walls impacted by water damage typically has a very distinct smell making pretty tough to miss.

It smells like wet newspaper or wet cardboard.

At the exact point where the smell emanates from, you may feel some dampness. Assess that area, checking for any other sign of water damage, such as wet spots, soft spots, dark spots, stains or molds.

If the musty odor occurs just after winter or heavy rain, this could indicate issues with your foundation.

If there’s a musty smell in your drywall, wood, or sheetrock, it may be a sign that there’s water leakage behind it. Don’t wait for the visible signs of wall damage such as mold and mildew to appear. Instead, correct the situation instantly.

Signs of Water Damage in Walls - Musty Smell

3. Water Stains/Discoloration

Water stains or discoloration is a clear indicator there’s a burst or leaking pipe. It could also be that the roof lets water seep into the drywall. A musty smell may also accompany the stains.

Light brown or dark yellow spots or lines are a sure sign of water damage on your walls or ceilings. If you don’t fix the leaking pipe immediately, the condition will only worsen, and getting rid of the stains will be quite a task.

Wet Walls and Discolouration

4. Signs of Mold or Mildew

It’s hard to separate mold and water because it thrives where there is persistent wetness.

For this reason, you may need to check your drywall, ceiling, carpeting, or wood for signs of mold damage and mildew. It may be the most obvious indication of a water leak in the wall if you spot any.

To save your home, remove that water as soon as possible.

Water Damage Causing Mold Damage

Remember, mold is not at all pleasant, and it poses serious health threats. It appears in many different colors ranging from black mold to green, to blue, grey and white mold as well. If you don’t deal with mold fast, you’ll be surprised at how quickly it breeds. 

5. Structural Issues and Changes

When water collects behind the walls, it causes structural damage to the ceilings and floorboards.

So, as soon as you notice structural problems such as cracking, inspect for water damage. Otherwise, there might be a pending disaster behind those cracks related to the bubbling, cracking, or flaking of wall paint or wallpaper.

6. Warping Walls

If drywall absorbs too much water, it caves, causing your entire wall to warp.

You should look at the wall, but also keep an eye out for ceiling water damage as well.

The wall and nearby ceiling may also sag.

As soon as you see this, know that a lot of water damage is already happening. With the sagging, warping, and even sogginess, your ceiling may even end up falling.

Therefore, it’s best to find a solution immediately to prevent further damage in your home and even potentially destroy your household.

7. Floor Damage

Signs of water damage in walls vary depending on the type of floor you have.

In many cases, wet flooring is obvious

If it’s wooden, you may observe buckling. This is easy to identify if you carefully compare it with the adjacent floor level.

Note that you may not immediately notice the damage before the water has receded. But later, you’ll see that the floorboards pushed some nails up.

Linoleum may buckle as well as curl up around its edges, while carpeted flooring can feel wet and produce a squishing sound when you walk on it.

floor damage from water damage - signs of water damage in walls

8. Alarming Increase in Your Water Bills

So your family routine is still the same, but the bill shoots up. Something is not adding up. Chances are, you have some plumbing issues. Probably, water is leaking or running water has been left on somewhere in your walls.

If you can check your water meter, do that first. Next, check your bathrooms and toilets to ensure no faucet is leaking. Afterward, you can go from one appliance to another, checking for leaks. 

Here is a list of places to check for hidden leaks if you see a sudden increase in the water usage on your utility or water bill:

  • Faucets and sinks
  • Toilets
  • Hoses
  • Laundry rooms
  • Washing Machines
  • Basements and Pipes (If visible)
  • Water Heater
  • Water Pumps

If everything is okay, look for any of the above signs of water damage on your walls. Somewhere behind your drywall, there must be a leak that needs fixing before it’s too late.

9. Softened Drywall

Water damage on walls may cause your drywall to soften. Often, this is a sign that most people don’t notice. The softening occurs due to water soaking the backside of your home’s drywall, but the front side appears normal.

If you’re suspicious of water in walls, press against the drywall to check for softened areas. If the wall becomes depressed or buckles, then this is a clear sign of a water-damaged wall.

Like earlier mentioned, it’s hard to identify softening on walls. Therefore, mold and mildew may grow after prolonged dampness. So stay vigilant of any growth, musty odors, or rotting, and if you notice anything, move with speed to mitigate the mold damage.

10. Outdated Pipes and Plumbing Fixtures

Plumbing fixtures and pipes are often installed behind walls, where it’s hard to see them and identify faults. While most pipes are long-lasting and capable of lasting a lifetime, connections, valves, and faucets are prone to damage or wear and tear over time.

Regularly inspecting all visible plumbing fixtures helps you identify signs of leakage. Also, since most pipes pass through the walls, by listening against the wall, you may hear strange sounds indicating potential water issues. 

A dripping sound or the sound of running water are sure signs of a problem. If you can’t hear anything, try listening for the sound of water running at night when ambient noise is at it lowest.

Whether it is a burst pipe or just a minor leak, fixing it in a timely manner is critical. So you’ll want to call for repairs immediately.

Remember, drips landing on your concrete floor will form holes, affecting the stability of your home. Therefore, be vigilant and inspect your sinks and toilets to ensure drain pipes and water supply are in proper condition. 

Are your cabinets wet or moldy? That’s a sure sign of water damage, which you need to repair immediately to prevent it from spreading further.

Finally, check the caulk around your sinks and bathtub. Caulk is an affordable, quick fix that’s essential for preventing mold growth and water damage. If the device wears out or gets damaged, then leaking water may have already gotten behind your walls.

Leaking pipes

What Next After Spotting Signs of Water Damage?

The question on your mind now is what next after identifying signs of water damage in the walls. 

Well, at first, the damage may not be that serious to warrant professional help. Therefore, you can use your basic skills in water piping and connections to check for previous or current leaks and repair them. Also, dry the walls to remove the excess moisture.

Most homeowners go wrong in waiting until the problem gets worse, even after identifying several signs of water-damaged walls, before seeking help. 

While it’s understandable to worry about the repair costs, remember the more you wait, the worse the water damage gets. In the end, you’ll spend a lot more on burst pipes and other extensive repairs. Therefore, the best thing to do is to act after you identify signs of water damage.

How to Dry Walls After Water Damage

The first step after identifying dripping water is to repair the leak and dry out the wall. 

Drying out involves using towels and a dehumidifier. Run the dehumidifier while blotting the walls to remove excess water. Proceed with caution because excessive pressing may collapse softened drywalls.

Next, call in a professional to assess the extent of any other damage and offer viable solutions. That way, you make your home safe.

Final Word on Water Damage Signs

Water damage can result in severe structural damages to your home.

Nobody wants to spend so much on repairs and restorations because of a water leak.

Fortunately, you now know the most common signs of water-damaged walls to look out for. 

Remember, most insurance companies will not consider your claim if it’s due to water damage, especially where it spells negligence on your part.

Keep in mind, water leaks left unaddressed, can get more expensive to repair the damage in your home

Therefore, don’t wait for the damage to get catastrophic before you can repair your home. 

In many cases, especially if there is extensive damage to the affected wall, you will require the assistance of a water damage restoration company.

Preventing water damage starts with knowing what to look for.

Be a proactive homeowner who keeps checking their home for signs of water damage in walls, searching for any hidden leak, wet walls or dark spots, paying attention to spot signs of bad plumbing hardware which could lead to a leaky pipe, signs of moisture or any other signs of damage in your home.

Another suggestion is to make your family members at your house or any other of the home’s occupants aware of what they should be looking for which could identify a previous or current leak which could damage your house.

That way, you may never have to break the bank to cover extensive repairs that you could have avoided. 




Wednesday, September 22, 2021

What Is White Mold and How Dangerous Is It?

Are you concerned about white mold and what impacts it’s causing to your health?

Here at JF Public Adjusters, we regularly speak to clients who have encountered mold growth.

Furthermore, it’s not uncommon for them these clients to be experiencing the negative health effects that exposure to some types of mold can cause.

Today, we’re going to be talk about white mold growth specifically and answer the question – is white mold dangerous?

However, what surprises many is how mold is a far more common problem than most people are aware of.

Did you know that 45 million buildings in the US have unhealthy levels of mold

While that number might shock you, it’s no surprise that so many homes, offices, and stores might be harboring mildew and mold.

According to insurance industry statistics, 14,000 Americans deal with water damage daily, and mold can begin to appear in as little as 24-48 hours.

Often resulting from high humidity, dampness and excess moisture in areas with poor ventilation like and basements. or attics following roof leaks.

Though mold is common, it’s not always easy to know what type of mold you’re dealing with.

There are more than 100,000 various types of mold, some of them are dangerous and pose numerous health risks often leading to lung disease and other respiratory system issues, while other species of mold are benign.

Some mold types have medicinal properties. 

But, if you’ve been in your basement looking around and you’ve seen some sort of fuzzy, powdery white substance you’ve likely found some white mold growing.

Now that we know a little bit more about mold in general, lets talk about white molds specifically and how dangerous it is.

Then we’ll dig a little bit into removing mold, and how to prevent mold from coming back and causing another mold growth problem.

Read on to learn the sobering truth about the white category of mold.

What Is White Mold?

White mold is not one specific type of mold but a catch-all phrase that describes many different mold species which have a white appearance in hue and might have a powdery texture.

A few common types of this type of fungus include Aspergillus, Penicillium, and Cladosporium. 

All of these mold species can also appear grey, green, or black. Many times, mold will appear white because its spores lack pigments.

This quality will vary based on what material the mold is growing on (as molds thrive on porous materials) and the kind of environment and moisture content of the surroundings.

Another type, acremonium Acremonium mold, is a toxic mold that starts moist but dries into a fine, white powder over time.

It can grow in drain pans, cooling coils, humidifiers, and window seals. Exposure to acremonium can cause catastrophic health problems. 

Alternatively, many other species of mold will appear white only because they are in the early stages of development.

For example, you may find mold colonies form under your house. The mold will eventually change color as the mold grows and begins producing spores. 

We can find an example of this in Chaetomium, which has a cotton-like texture and will change colors from white to grey, to brown, and finally to black with time.

Individuals with compromised immune systems can be significantly affected by this type of white mold growth. 

This misunderstanding many people have relating to the difference between white mold and other types of mold can quickly become dangerous, as people often confuse white mold as completely harmless, believing only toxic black mold is the problem.

Mucor is a mold species that is usually white or grey and proliferates, in very thick patches.

A common way homeowners often discover this type of mold is when they hire an HVAC contractor for a service call and the technicians finds excess condensation inside ducting and HVAC system or air conditioner, a perfect environment for Mucor growth. Another place where this type of white mold thrives is along damp carpeting. 

What Causes White Mold Spores to Grow?

This type of fungus can quickly spread if given sufficient food, namely the cellulose found in wood.

Since mold spores naturally exist in the air, all they need is the right conditions to allow for this white fungus to grow

All these spores need to thrive is some sort of moisture source and a food source, as mentioned above, and the powdery fungus will quickly appear.

Aside from wood, it can grow on drywall or any other building materials of an organic nature. 

Moreover, like most other household mold types, white mold destroys the structural integrity of a building or home by eating away at its very foundation.

The majority of molds aren’t viable below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Mold generally grows best anywhere between 77 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit, especially if the air is humid, just like on the East Coast of Country, which is why we’re commonly assisting our NY Public Adjuster clients and NJ Public Adjuster clients with this exact problem.

While mold can’t grow on inorganic material or non porous surfaces. Although, it can exist in or on dirt, and other organic materials on top of those inorganic surfaces. Mold can even grow on the northern side of a building’s siding and roof. 

Suppose a property’s organic building materials are subjected to any sort of water damage.

In that case, white mold could easily take hold and flourish because the spores have everything they need to accelerate growth throughout the affected surface. 

How Do You Identify White Mold Growth?

As it’s got a light color, white mold can sometimes be tough to see or detect. Unlike darker colored molds, it can easily blend in with whatever surface it’s growing on. 

Sometimes white mold can be misidentified as mildew or efflorescence. Efflorescence is the salt deposit left behind after salt water evaporates and has a white, crystalline appearance. 

People often can’t tell whether what they see is white mold or efflorescence because the salt deposits are very similar in appearance.

Keep in mind, efflorescence is native to stone, brick, and concrete.

All materials don’t foster an excellent environment for mold growth, so chances are if you find powdery white mold on wood, it’s not efflorescence. 

If you spray water onto the surface in question and it dissolves, it isn’t mold.

Keep in mind when trying to identify white mold that mildew will generally grow on plants and wet clothing instead of building materials. 

In the early stages of growth, it can be tough to discern with the naked eye since the spores are so tiny. When mold colonies begin to form, white mold looks like powdery white spots on surfaces. 

Since there are so many types of mold, it is almost impossible for the layman to identify whether the possible mold is toxic or not. That’s why

If you suspect mold growth of any kind, white mold or not, it’s in your best interest to look into a mold inspection by a qualified mold specialist or public adjuster who specializes in property damage.

Where Does White Mold Grow Most Often?

If you’re looking to inspect your home or business for white mold, and want to know where white mold tends to grow, here are the most common places.

Wooden Furniture and Surfaces

White mold is excellent at penetrating porous surfaces like furniture, wood, and even sheetrock. White mold is often found on wooden furniture and surfaces throughout a home or business. 

In some cases, you might find success removing the spores, though cloth with white mold growing on it is best saved for professional cleaners. 


Having white mold in attic is very common because attics provide an almost endless food source, including plenty of wood and insulation. 

Leaky roofs are typical for attics, along with leaky pipes, condensation, and bad ventilation. Many attics are cramped and small, which can make mold removal nearly impossible. 

Basements and Crawl Spaces

In your basement, you’ll find white mold on wooden floor joints, stored possessions like clothes and furniture, and even concrete walls.

When water seeps through basement walls, they become perfect, moist environments where white mold quickly grows.

Like in the attic, condensation can also contribute to white mold and other mold growth in basements and crawlspaces.

Though smaller, crawlspaces are susceptible to white mold, just like white mold in basement.

Broken gutters, cracked foundations, and improper ventilation could all make your crawlspace a breeding ground for white mold.


You’ll want to check any clothing stored in your attics, basements, or crawl spaces. In the summer months, clothing is especially susceptible. 

Leather clothes and shoes are also more prone to developing the growth of these spores on them.

Luckily, white mold doesn’t leave behind the same stains that other molds, like black mold, commonly do.

Is White Mold Dangerous?

No matter the color or location, any mold growth in your home or business is generally considered harmful and unhealthy. 

Exposure to white mold is dangerous because it can lead to many health problems like headaches, dizziness, allergic reactions, eye and skin irritation, nausea, and respiratory infections. 

Prolonged or repeated exposure to white mold can cause even worse mental and physical problems like anxiety, insomnia, depression, and memory loss.

People with asthma or other breathing problems can find their health issues exacerbated by white mold (which include allergenic molds.)

Other than health issues, white mold commonly attacks building materials and can cause extreme structural damage to a home or business. 

White mold uses organic materials as a food source, which will compromise the integrity of whatever it grows on.

Since mold digests carbon from whatever it grows on, it naturally breaks down the material over time. 

When the mold eventually destroys whatever surface it has colonized, it will move to another surface or material to find a new food source. 

In cases of significant white spore growth, the affected structure could become unstable or uninhabitable.

An unchecked instance of mold growth can severely degrade organic material. At the very least it can cause cosmetic damage or unpleasant odors often referred to as a “musty odor.”

How Do You Remove White Mold?

In the event that you discover white mold (or black mold or any other mold for that matter) somewhere on your property, you may be thinking that you can remove it yourself. 

While in some instances this is possible, as with wooden furniture, wooden surfaces, or clothing and shoes, in one of these cases, the surface can be cleaned by scrubbing water mixed with baking soda.

However, if you’ve other instances it’s best to leave this sort of work up to professionals who are using the proper protective gear. 

As the health risks associated with mold spores of this type are so severe, when spore growth is encountered, you need to act quickly to mitigate property damage to your home or business. 

Larger mold colonies need to be addressed immediately, ideally by a mold remediation company. 

That’s why if you’ve encountered any spores, whether it’s black mold, white mold or green mold, it is best to contact mold inspection company and have them complete a thorough inspection of the property.

One very hazardous downside to DIY mold cleaning solutions is exposing yourself and anyone who helps you to potentially harmful fungus (like white fungus on wood), which could trigger or exacerbate serious health issues, . 

If you decide to tackle the problem yourself, you must be very careful to protect yourself from its harmful effects. 

A flimsy, thin mask will not be enough for this type of work. An N95 mask is recommended to clean mold, and it can be very expensive. You should also wear goggles and gloves. 

Whatever clothing you wear to remove mold colony must be washed immediately afterward or even discarded. Mold is capable of sticking to your clothing and spreading to other clothing if washed together. 

These are only a few of the many things you’ll need to safely and successfully remove mold growth on your own.

Unlike mold removal professionals, chances are you do not possess the equipment or the experience to get the job done. Unfortunately, mold remediation is expensive and only gets more costly if the problem is severe enough. 

It can be a difficult task and a pricey one but in comparison to the physical and mental effects mold growth has on people, it’s decidedly worth it.

That’s why many people get in touch with an independent insurance adjuster by searching online for “public adjuster near me” and find a local public insurance adjuster in their area who can assess the mold growth, regardless of whether it’s black mold, white, or even another type.

If you happen to live in New York, New Jersey or Connecticut, we invite your to contact our team here at JF Public Adjusters, where we offer a complimentary, no-obligation, on-site survey and policy assessment.

How to Prevent White Mold Growth

Outside of isolated spore growth on clothes, furniture, and surfaces, once you begin to suspect that white mold is growing, the best course of action is to get a professional mold survey and assessment.

The other option is to prevent the growth of white mold before it ever can begin. 

Most important in your fight against this difficult problem is controlling the moisture level in your home or business. 

If you have a broken appliance, bad ventilation, a leaky roof or pipes, broken gutters, or issues with flooding you can find yourself experiencing spore growth of this type. 

Once you get the visible spores removed, if you don’t solve the root moisture problem, it will always return.

Make sure to regularly check for white mold in basements, crawl spaces, and attics for visible white mold or a noticeably musty smell. 

Always ensure that your clothing is thoroughly dried before hanging it up or folding it up in your drawers to prevent white mold growth.

If you find white mold growth on clothing, use hot water and vinegar to kill the spores. 

Always be sure to keep your property clean and tidy. Dirt and debris like crumbs, paper, cardboard, and other organic materials can be used as viable food sources for white mold to grow and multiply. 

How to Prevent White Mold Growth

White mold can be a wide variety of mold species, and it can grow in several different places that we live and work in.

White mold proliferates, with only a few ingredients needed to facilitate widespread mold growth.

As moisture from water damage is common, anyone can be a victim of white mold growth.

White mold might not even be visible until it has multiplied into large colonies, which will negatively impact both the value of your property and your physical health. 

Removing black mold, white mold or any type of mold is essential, but it is recommended that you seek professional help in doing so to ensure the problem is thoroughly and safely dealt with. 

Other than practicing vigilant prevention to keep mold from growing in the first place, you will best solve your mold problem by utilizing professional mold remediation servixces. 

Whatever your decision, the consequences of living and working with dangerous spores can wreak havoc on your home and work life. 

To ensure your health and safety, do whatever you can to avoid prolonged exposure to any sort of mold growth. 

Also, if you’re in the New York, New Jersey or Connecticut area, we invite you to contact us here at JF Public Adjusters, where we’re widely considered the leading public adjusters serving the local property damage experts, and where we offer a free on-site survey and policy assessment.


Friday, September 10, 2021

JF Public Adjusters NJ is Pleased To Spotlight The Complimentary On-Site Survey and Policy Assessment They Offer To Potential Clients

JF Public Adjusters, the Leading NJ Public Adjuster is Proud to Offer a Free On-Site Visit and Policy Assessment for those Who Have Experienced Property Damage

New Jersey City, NJ – JF Public Adjusters, the leading team of NJ Public Adjusters is proud to spotlight the free property damage on-site survey and policy assessment they offer to potential clients who’ve experienced property damage throughout New Jersey. 

This team of New Jersey Public Adjusters assists policyholders who’ve experienced property damage and who want to ensure they receive the maximum amount of compensation from the insurance company. 

During the free on-site survey and policy assessment, they will inspect any damage and loss you’ve experienced, review your insurance policy for what coverage you have, and explain what settlement payout they believe you’re entitled to. Next, they will discuss your personal situation and how they could help you if you decided to work together. 

Joel Follman, the owner and founder of JF Public adjusters, said during a recent interview, “The complimentary on-site survey and policy assessment is a powerful tool for property owners who’ve experienced property damage or losses because it allows them to get a clear and accurate idea about what they might expect to receive. Moreover, it allows us as the public adjuster to advise a potential client on the best course of action to take.”

He further said, “The policyholders are usually dealing with so much that sometimes just thinking about the damage causes so much stress it can make dealing with the insurance companies almost impossible. However, when a potential client takes advantage of our complimentary on-site survey and policy assessment, it can provide a great deal of stress relief, because they have a much greater degree of clarity about what steps they need to take next and how they can protect their rights as a policyholder throughout the insurance claim.”

JF Public Adjusters in NJ is a team of highly skilled and reputable New Jersey Public Insurance Adjusters who have been helping the local New Jersey residents for some time. Moreover, the team has received countless five-star reviews from the clients who have trusted them to assist with their insurance policy claim in the past. Their team of insurance experts can handle fire damage, water damage, smoke damage, flood damage, and other types of property damage claims with their years of experience and expertise. To contact JF Public Adjuster NJ, you can call their office directly, email them, or submit a form on their website.

To learn more about them, you can visit: JF Public Adjusters in New Jersey 

Contact Info:

Name: Joel Follman
Company: JF Public Adjusters NJ
Address: 730 Garfield Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305
Phone: 551-309-2220


Monday, June 28, 2021


JF Public Adjusters in New York receives yet another glowing five-star review on their Google My Business Profile.

Brooklyn, NY – JF Public Adjusters, a top-rated NY Public Adjuster providing services throughout the five boroughs, is delighted to announce they’ve recently received another glowing five-star review from another New York property damage insurance client.

The latest review was left by Chrissy Kalman, who shared the following sentiment,”I called Joel when a pipe burst in my house. That was the best decision I made. He dealt with the insurance company for me and provided great results. I highly recommend calling Joel if a public adjuster is needed. You will not regret it!!”

During a recent interview, owner and founder Joel Follman had the following to say, “I was absolutely thrilled to read our latest review; I see our reviews as a gauge of how successfully we’re helping our New York public adjuster clients and the level of customer services we’re offering them” he went on to say,” “when I read a review like that it shows we’re doing things right, and it’s very encouraging for both myself and our amazing team” He then went on to conclude,” “our reviews are also one of our best forms of advertising, when someone searches” “public adjuster near me” and we show up, and they read a review like the one recently left, it builds trust and offers an idea of what doing business with our team at JF Public Adjusters in New York is like”

JF Public Adjusters is one of the most sought-after teams of NY public adjusters. They provide complete claim assistance services to insurance policyholders dealing with property damage throughout New York, Upstate New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Their team of independent adjusters work closely with their clients to ensure they receive the maximum insurance payout they’re entitled to on each claim! Suppose you’re looking for professional help as a victim seeking compensation after sustaining accidental or intentional property damage. In that case, you can contact JF Public Adjuster in NY directly by calling their office or submitting a form on their website.

More information can be found at JF Public Adjusters NJ

Contact Info:

Name: Joel Follman
Company: JF Public Adjusters NJ
Address: 730 Garfield Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305
Phone: 551-309-2220


Monday, May 10, 2021


JF Public Adjusters NJ is excited to announce the newest member of their team of expert New Jersey Public Adjusters starting in May 2021.

Jersey City, NJ: JF Public Adjusters, a New York City-based team of public adjusters with offices in New York, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania, are incredibly excited to announce their newest team member and NJ Public Adjuster, Olivia Marraccino

Olivia Marraccino will be working with the company’s New Jersey Public Adjuster clientele with insurance claim assistance services. Listed below are her client service details:

Office Location:              Jersey City, New Jersey
Service Area:                 State of New Jersey
Position:                         Lead New Jersey Public Insurance Adjuster
Phone Number:             (551) 309-2220

During an interview with company founder and owner Joel Follman, he went on to share the following sentiment: “We’re very excited to have Olivia head our team of NJ Public Adjusters, we’ve been looking for the right person who has the personality, skillset, and experience to help our New Jersey insurance claim assistance clientele, and we’re incredibly grateful to have Olivia join our team, and our clients are incredibly lucky to have her as an asset in their corner.”

He went on to say, “As a fast-growing company in an industry that requires extreme attention to detail, we knew we needed someone who not only had the credentials, but the skillset to assist our clients in the way they’ve come to expect when they hire JF, to work on their behalf as their New Jersey Public Insurance Adjuster.”

JF Public Adjusters is one of the most sought-after teams of NJ Public Adjusters. They provide complete claim assistance services to insurance policyholders dealing with property damage throughout New Jersey, New York, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania. Their team of independent adjusters works with their clients to ensure they receive the maximum insurance claim settlement pay-out they’re entitled to. To learn more about this company and what they do, you can visit their website, submit a contact form, or call them directly by phone.

More information can be found at JF Public Adjusters NJ

Contact Info:

Name: Joel Follman
Company: JF Public Adjusters NJ
Address: 730 Garfield Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305
Phone: 551-309-2220


Thursday, April 22, 2021

New Jersey Public Adjuster Services Now Being Offered By JF Public Adjuster NJ

One of the leading Public Adjusters in NY has Now Expanded to a Second Location in Jersey City, New Jersey Allowing Them To Offer Complete NJ Public Adjuster services

JF Public Adjusters is pleased to announce they now offer complete New Jersey public adjuster and insurance claim assistance services with their new Jersey City, NJ location. 

JF Public Adjuster NJ is a highly-rated public adjuster service that has been helping their clients throughout the state of New York for quite some time. However, due to the numerous requests they’ve received from people in the garden state looking for a skilled public adjuster in New Jersey, they are happy to announce the opening of their second location, allowing them to better serve new and existing clients in the state of New Jersey. 

JF Public Adjusters are expert public adjusters specializing in property damage insurance claims. They work with property owners and policyholders to assess the scope of the property damage, prepare the insurance claim documentation, and ultimately- remove the stress that so many property owners and policyholders experience when going through the insurance claim process. Furthermore, they deal directly with the insurance companies to get their clients the maximum insurance claim settlement payout their policy entitles them to. 

In only a short amount of time, the company has already received numerous five-star reviews from their public adjuster clients on their New Jersey Google My Business profile. “The overwhelming reception and response we’ve received from our New Jersey location clients have been nothing short of unbelievable,” stated Joel Follman, JF Public Adjusters in New Jersey owner. He continued, “We’d spoken to a number of people who told us, “I just want a reliable NJ Public Adjuster near me, instead of having to hire someone from out of state.” He then went on to say, “We were pretty certain there was a need for a service like ours in the area. However, the people here have been so incredibly warm and welcoming to us, and it confirms we made the right decision to open our second location right here in the garden state.”

These are just a few of the reviews left on the JF Public Adjusters New Jersey Google My Business Profiles. Eric Lutz shared the following about his experience working with the company, “Joel was a great help in settling an insurance claim with roof damage and recovering enough funds to proceed with a full replacement. I would highly recommend his services for anyone pursuing a public adjuster to navigate such a process.” Client Bob Russell had this to say, “Joel was outstanding throughout the claim. He initially explained the process thoroughly and routinely provided updates as to where our claim stood. He fought with the insurance company to get us what we deserved, and in the end, he came through on everything that he said he would. I highly recommend him and would use him myself in the future if his services were ever needed again.”

With an incredible track record of success, this company is excited to meet the people of their new community and learn more about how they can provide help to their new neighbours with all manner of insurance policy claim assistance and public adjuster services. 

JF Public Adjusters is one of the most highly-rated NJ Public Adjusters. They provide insurance claim assistance services to policyholders in New Jersey, New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. Their NJ Public Insurance Adjusters team works with property owners to assist them through the claims process to help them receive the maximum insurance settlement payout. To learn more about what JF Public Adjusters does, you can get in touch with them directly by phone, email or by completing a form on their website. 

More information can be found at 

Contact Info:

Name: Joel Follman
Company: JF Public Adjusters NJ
Address: 730 Garfield Ave, Jersey City, NJ, 07305
Phone: 551-309-2220


Wednesday, February 3, 2021

JF Public Adjusters NY Continues To Serve Local Clients With Enhanced COVID-19 Protocol

JF Public Adjusters in New York City has implemented an enhanced safety protocol amid COVID-19 allowing them to continue to serve their NY Public Adjuster clientele.

New York City, NY – JF Public Adjusters NY announced today it has enhanced its already in place safety practices to further protect homeowners and business owners during the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

Property damage doesn’t stop occurring when external circumstances like the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic continue to impact all areas of our daily lives. In fact, with the recent and continuing shutdowns and stay-at-home orders except for essential travel and work, it’s becoming increasingly important that any incidents or property damage are resolved so homeowners and employees can continue to inhabit these spaces safely.

Moreover, it’s critical that public adjusters are ready and prepared to respond and act quickly to assist property owners with any property damage leading to an insurance claim. Therefore, any losses can be recovered rapidly, and any damage repaired expediently to ensure a safe living or working environment.

This NY Public Adjuster has stated they will continue to observe the COVID-19 pandemic, adhering to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidelines and following local and state coronavirus protective measures. Also confirmed by this New York public adjuster, the firm has implemented a series of additional steps and efforts to protect every member of their team and their customers and to minimize the virus’s potential spread.

Some of the protective measures they’re currently using to protect their customers, staff members and the general public include:

Reviewing and submitting contracts electronically

Contact-less document delivery

Using phone and online scheduling

Sanitizing hands before and after any in-person appointment

Wearing a mask at any in-person appointment

Send images, reports, policy documents via email

Accepting property damage issues from customers when acceptable

Repairing any property damage and settling any related insurance claims quickly is critical, especially in uncertain times, with such a large percentage of the population required to remain indoors at their residence, and in many cases, indoors at their place of employment. “Helping our clients settle their claims for the maximum amount and as quickly as humanly possible is our primary concern,” stated Joel Follman, founder of JF Public Adjusters in New York City. “We are very aware that in many cases, our clients need to live or work in the building that’s being impacted by the property damage. Also, with the COVID restrictions and social distancing, it can leave them with few options, so handling claims for our clients quickly has been a primary objective of ours.”

JF Public Adjusters is one of the most highly rated NY Public Insurance Adjusters. They provide insurance claim assistance services to policyholders in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Their team of NY Public Insurance Adjusters works with property owners to assist them through the claims process and ensure they receive the maximum settlement payout. To learn more about the services JF Public Adjusters offers, you can contact them directly by phone, email or through their website.

More information can be found at JF Public Adjusters

Contact Info:

Company: JF Public Adjusters
Address: 1758 61st St, Brooklyn, NY 11204
Phone: (917) 272-8793

Media Contact
Company Name: JF Public Adjusters
Contact Person: Joel Follman
Email: Send Email
Phone: (917) 272-8793
Address:1758 61st St
City: Brooklyn
State: NY
Country: United States


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